The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.
The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever.
The ordinances of the Lord are sure and altogether righteous.
(Psalms 19:7~9)
Rekindle the Hope
economic and political forum

Why the Insurance System is a deadly cancer in the Medical and Healthcare system and it will cause the whole system to ultimately collapse?

Before I answer the question, first, I want to briefly share with you my discovery and analysis in: (i) What is the number’s concept of one year U.S. tax revenue
derived from payroll, and (ii) We have more than enough tax revenue to build people’s hospitals and clinics in a short period of time to meet all people’s
medical and healthcare needs from generation to generation through creation and active approach and hard work. The following is my sharing:

The U.S. tax revenue data year 2012 tells us that the total U.S. tax revenue 2012 was about $2.45 trillion ($2,450,000,000,000), among the tax revenue, $1.377 trillion ($1,377,000,000,000) was derived from “Payroll Tax Revenue for Social Security & Medical” contributed by employers and employees.

The U.S. government’s expenditure data year 2012 in “Social Security & Medical” was about $1.359 trillion ($1,359,000,000,000). If we consider government’s expenditure on Medical and business entities medical insurance premium together, we will realize that our nation’s cost on Medical and Healthcare is a shocking and unthinkable number.

What is this number’s concept and message? A simple and clear concept from above number or data I want to share with you is that only one year payroll tax revenue from Social Security & Medical contributed by employers and employees could build new hospitals and clinics in America much more than the hospitals and clinics we have now (currently, there are 6,411 hospitals in U.S.) . For the details and data analysis, please refer to my new book “Deliver the Urgent Messages for America-The Urgency for U.S. Economic System Reform” page 18 to 25.

The number of U.S. tax revenue is huge and far more beyond what we truly need to expend. Namely, the tax we have paid through payroll tax to government,
actually, is more than enough to let government do its ordained tasks and responsibility to provide people’s needs in Medical and Healthcare (not only
Medicaid or Medicare, but for all). The simple data analysis tells us that if government can manage and handle tax payers’ money in correct way with
wisdom, sooner or later, we will have more than enough medical and healthcare facilities nationwide for all people, a healthy and strong Nationwide
Medical and Healthcare System can be established for the sake of all people, whether poor or rich, weak or strong, young or old, minor or majority---.
For the way of fulfillment of a healthy and strong Nationwide Medical and Healthcare System in long term, please refer to my first message book “Build
An American ARK-The strategy and method for U.S. Economic Revival”  page 43 to 50. Not only that, meanwhile,
U.S. government should be able to reduce all people and business enterprises’ tax burdens and allow us to enjoy better lives and pursuit of happiness in our loving God.

However, the realities in U.S. show us a total different phenomena which send us an urgent signal of desperation and corruption in Medical and Healthcare System. Our nation’s Medical and Healthcare System is circling and wandering in a vast desert year after year without right solution.

Why is U.S. government always in shortage and deficits, and why the costs of medical and healthcare are madly soaring without discipline and it has gave
all people and all business entities heavy burdens, and why the system and its procedures are getting more and more complicated and cause people be

The answer is: U.S. Medical and Healthcare System got deadly cancers, and it needs surgery and healing!

The deadly cancers are insurance system and its out of control intervention and manipulation in U.S. Medical and Healthcare System, it has deprived
hospitals and clinics and physicians and medical field professionals and patients’ freedom, it has changed the original nature and beauty of Medical and
Healthcare as a loving and caring agents and earthly angels, it has manipulated whole medical and healthcare function and operation, it has controlled
U.S. government’s legislation---. Insurance industry, an industry does not own any medical and healthcare professional abilities, like a monster,
forcefully stepped into medical and healthcare system and has made it be dysfunction and deadly sick.

The nature of the insurance industry is risk financial operation system, no future; it should be limited in private sector and among private players to meet
someone needs or interests, it should not be used by U.S. government to handle or manage or intervene Medicare and Medicaid system, and it should not
get U.S. government’s legislative favors to control hospitals and clinics and physicians and medical professionals and patients, as well as other private business sectors or industries or societies or communities, the insurance industry should only be used by voluntary, not mandatory.

The insurance system does not produce or add valuable things in Medical and Healthcare System, but inconveniences and complications and troubles and
manipulations and corruption. As middle men, it will absolutely cause costs soaring and drive medical and healthcare system to wrong path and ultimately

to build what people need by taxpayers' money in medical and healthcare and let medical and healthcare break away from
Insurance System’s manipulation is the only solution to fulfill a healthy and strong medical and healthcare system?

Back to tradition and basic, bring the beauty and original good intention and function back to Medical and Healthcare System, let hospitals and clinics and
physicians and medical professionals operate and manage their own businesses with freedom, contribute their talents and serving hearts to serve patients
and communities without interruption and intervention and manipulation and profits allocation by a total different industry player-the insurance system is an
only way to build a healthy and strong nationwide medical and healthcare system.

God give human beings wisdom and knowledge is not for promoting human’s greed of power and money, but love and care others, is not for self-gains,
but for giving blessing to others, is not for controlling other people, but to serve others. “
Love your neighbor as yourself” is one of God’s two greatest
Commandments, it should become the motto of Medical and Healthcare System. Medical and Healthcare System is most important system in the world to
give people love and mercy and compassion and care like holy angels do, it is a most important system to manifest God’s love to all human beings.

This is the hope and ideas for U.S. Medical and Healthcare System God planted in my heart to share with Americans.

is Insurance power abusing in government levels?

The insurance power abusing in government levels are (but not limited to):

(1) It has controlled government’s legislation to let insurance industry enter to all people and businesses lives by setting up laws to bind everything
with insurance.

(2) Re-allocate public’s wealth and saving-the people’s money-taxpayers’ money-tax revenue to the private pockets or markets of insurance system.
This is unjust and unfair transfer to turn people’s money into risky private business giants and money players and market.

(3) Through setting up laws, give favors to private interests group, allow insurance system penetrate to all personal and business areas to let all people
make different kinds of insurance premium contributions.

(4) To control people’s mind and lifestyle to have fear of without insurances is also insurance power abusing. God’s Word say: “Fear of man will prove to be
a snare
” (Proverb 29: 25), our nation, even the whole world has stumbled by all kinds of men made snares and men made signals of fears. God’s Word
also say in Proverb 29: 25: “But whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe

What could happen when insurance system dominates government and people live?

The risky money players control whole nation’s future and lead everyone into a dangerous future without secure and hope. People become slaves of
insurance system and be deceived to walk away from God’s Word and best plan for his earthly children.

can we learn from God’s Word regarding insurance industry’s fate?

Insurance system is an industry which has no future, as well as no approval and no blessing from God-the Creator of the Universe.

About 3000 years ago, God’s Word has been written in Proverbs of the Holy Bible specifically warned His chosen people-Israelites do not touch such
business or conduct such activity.

In Proverbs 6:1-2: My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor, if you have struck hands in pledge for another, if you have been trapped by
what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth

In Proverbs 11:15: He who puts up security for another will surely suffer, but whoever refuses to strike hands in pledge is safe.

In Proverbs 20:16: Take the garment of one who puts up security for a stranger.

In Psalm 7: 15: He who digs a hole and scoops it out falls into the pit he has made.

In Proverbs 1: 19: Such is the end of all who go after ill-gotten gain, it takes away the lives of those who get it.

God gave His children pre-warning, told us the fate of insurance industry is no future, even it has no ability to ensure itself. The 2008 economic crisis and
U.S. government 700 billion bailout to insurance industry and banking industry, the crisis of soaring medical and healthcare cost, the increasing of all kinds
so-called mandatory insurances, the more frequent nature disasters, out of control of men made disasters, overall moral corruption, the raising of
terrorism---, all kinds of realities in the world have showed to us a fact that the insurance system is an industry which has no future. God’s Word is yesterday, today and forever, it stands firmly and surely. “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is
” (Proverbs 9:10)

God’s Word give us life , and we need meditate on God’s Word, to find wisdom and live in it, to do right things according to His Will and Word, to be
blessed and to become blessing to others, to be prepared and equipped well to face future challenges and crisis.

Where is our hope for America? I believe and trust the Truth that our Hope and Secure is in God alone; I believe that only the repentance and reforms in
economy and politics according to God’s Word can bring true healing and revival in the land of our nation, a land of brave, dream and freedom, a nation built on the foundation of Christianity.

I have hope and dream for America because of Lord Jesus Christ.

May God’s Word and His Holy Presence Rekindle the Hope in our hearts.

This is the Word of God

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this:
'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."
Mark (12:30-31)

Written By Ling Ling Shi
Publishing on December 27, 2015

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