Sound of Heaven Arts Present:

"In the beginning" 100 % Fine Silk Scarf Series

Handwriting and Designed by: Ling Ling Shi

In the beginning, God Created the Heavens and the Earth (Genesis 1:1)

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God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds." And it was so...And God saw that
it was good. (Genesis 1:24~25)

Item #: LS-Butterfly-Black
Size: 67" x 13.5"

Item #: LS-Butterfly-BBlue
Size: 67" x 13.5"

Item #: LS-Butterfly-Pink
Size: 67" x 13.5"

God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it
according to their various kinds." And it was so. And God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:11~12)

Item #: LS-Flower-Black
Size: 67" x 13.5"

Item #: LS-Flower-Green
Size: 67" x 13.5"

Item #: LS-Flower-Purple
Size: 67" x 13.5"

Item #: LS-Flower-Ivory
Size: 67" x 13.5"

God said, "Let the bird fly above the earth across the expense of the sky." So God created every winged bird
according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:20)

Item #: LS-Bird-Black
Size: 67" x 13.5"

Item #: LS-Bird-LPurple
Size: 67" x 13.5"

Item #: LS-Bird-LGreen
Size: 67" x 13.5"

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