Ling Ling Shi Channel ARK Academy Ceremony

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Ling Ling Shi welcomes you to ARK Academy

Introduction of ARK Academy 2023-2024 Classes

Ling Ling Shi was born in Jiangsu Province, China. She graduated from Civil Aviation University of China in 1983 with a major of Aviation Communication System and became an Aviation Communication Engineering teacher in an aviation college under CAAC. In the year 1988, she
came to United States of America as a foreign student to seek higher education. Year 1990, she received MBA in Financing and Accountant from Northrop University in California. A former student and teacher who once loved science and engineering, now has become a poet and author, the founder and designer of the website

Amazing Love and Amazing Grace from God saved her life in 1999 and have cultivated her new life in a new garden of Eden in the past 21 years. From her 17-page English Poem “My Soul Can See” and two books “ Deliver the Urgent Messages for America-The Urgency for U.S. Economic System Reform” and “Build An American ARK-The strategy and method for U.S. Economic Revival”, you
may have a glimpse of Ling Ling Shi’s life, a life filled with the goodness from the heaven above.

Ling Ling Shi’s poem and books are available to read and review in the following links:

Besides science and engineering educational and teaching background, from childhood to adulthood, Ling Ling loves music, singing and dancing and received many prizes from local
to national level during her 26-year life in China. During her first 10-year journey in America,
Ling Ling never wanted to sing or dance, she buried her joy and talents. Year 2005, she opened
her heart and her voice again in a short musical movie written by her: “Father, I hear Your Voice” while she attended the USC Cinema School’s Movie Director course. Now, the God’s given talents
in Ling Ling’s life, from writing to teaching, from singing to dancing, from imagination to creation---, they look like Lily flowers blossoming in the field one after another, like fruits growing on the beautiful trees, like birds flying in the blue sky---, and they are all joyfully singing for the Thanksgiving to God and for the goodness of humanity.

As the principal and first teacher of the ARK Academy, starting from Autumn 2023,
and 2024 Ling Ling Shi will personally teach the following classes for the people
around the world:

“Holy Bible Time”

---The Education Time for the 66 Books of Holy Bible---

(Starts in 2024-2025)

Daily Video Classes
Tuition: Free  Class Administration Fee: $30/Month

As a Children Sunday School teacher, Ling Ling Shi loves to share the Word of God
with people on the planet of earth.

“Garden of Language Arts”

---Growing in Wisdom and Knowledge---

(Starts in 2024-2025)

Follow the Holy Bible to Learn English 跟着圣经学英文

Video Classes of Spring 2024
Tuition: Free
Class Administration Fee: Free

Reading & Understainding

Basic Grammar


Class is Open to Public Now, Enter to Learning Garden, Please Click Here:

Follow the Holy Bible to Learn English 跟着圣经学英文

Video Classes
Tuition: $100/month
Class Administration Fee: $20/month

Reading & Understainding

Basic Grammar


Text Book: Holy Bible
The Most Wonderful Holy Bible Stories

Class Starts in 2024-2025

Follow the Holy Bible to Learn Chinese 跟着圣经学中文

Video Classes of Spring 2024
Tuition: Free
Class Administration Fee: Free



Class is Open to Public Now, Enter to Learning Garden, Please Click Here:

“Garden of Career Training”

Classes and Short Term Training

Be Well Equipped to

Establish Your Own Business!

Coming Soon, Stay Tuned!

“Garden of Heavenly Wisdom”

---Living on Earth is like Living in Heaven---

(Starts in 2024-2025)

Monthly Program, Coming Soon, Stay Tuned!
In Theater & Online Live Streaming

Welcome people from all corners of the world,
Let’s immerse in music and in heavenly wisdom,
Let’s dream the beautiful dream together,
Let’s make the world a better place for all humanity!

The teaching from Ling Ling Shi will be delightful and meaningful, it will help students to
grow and be nourished in virtue, in knowledge, in wisdom and in spiritual & physical health. May become your gardens of joy, dream, peace, hope, faith, life, blessing,
and love.

Ling Ling Shi and welcome you and your family, let us side by side and
hand in hand to enjoy life, to dream together, and to garden our heart with heavenly wisdom and knowledge.


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